
Cave Dwelling Myth

Even today, because the narrative form is so powerful and seductive, it is hard to avoid. One of the specific characteristics of us is a love of stories, so that narrative reports of human evolution are demanded by society and even tend toward a common form. Scientists are generally aware of the influence of theory on observation, Seldom do they recognize, however, that many scientific theories are essentially narratives. There is an element in evolutionary approach that make it particularly susceptible to being cast in narrative form, both by those who tell the story and by those who listen to them. It lies in the fact that in seeking to explain the origins, we are apparently faced with a sequence of events through time that transformed a phenomenon. The description of such a sequence falls naturally into narrative form. clearly a narrative structure is more than just a story; it conform to the structure of the hero folk tale. Telling a story does not consist simply in adding episodes to one another, It consists in creating relations between events.

Prehistoric men are commonly referred to in the popular media, in literature and in films as cave men, in spite of the fact that the availability of caves was limited to those mountainous areas where they existed in geological formations and where the entrances were accessible. Yet where they existed, they came to be occupied repeatedly by people from Mousterian times onward, often in competition with other inhabitants such as bears and hyenas.  If these people had shelters at all, they must have been simple structures of branches, leaves and skins which stood no chance of preservation, what we now called ephemeral dwellings. Within cave and rock shelter sites, we started to see glimmers of evidence for spatial patterns of human behavior after about 200,000 years ago.

According to archaeological findings, the groups who visited the caves were very small and were there for only short episodes. They are usually located in well-sheltered locations, offer extensive wide-angle views the valleys they overlook, and are near to sources of high-quality flint. Also, they were well-situated to function not only as shelters, but as the focus of a wide range of economic and technological activities, with many resources available within a short radius.