Tiny Underground House

In certain suburban areas in Iran, local municipalities exhibit a degree of leniency towards small shelters nestled within private gardens, particularly when they conform to specific criteria, such as being single-story structures with minimal foundation requirements. The concept of this petite subterranean villa is specifically crafted to address such scenarios, featuring a compact footprint and a walkable roof, thereby mitigating the necessity to disturb additional green space through extensive leveling processes.

Project description

The Six in Six in Six volume was selected for its economic efficiency, suitable for casting in either steel or concrete structures. The design incorporates a strategic distribution of space, with 2 meters below ground level, a 1-meter clearstory for the underground section, and a 3-meter upper-ground space, totaling 6 meters in height. The structure is further enhanced by a generous staircase leading to a 5 by 6 meters roof, creating an elevated portico that offers an optimal vantage point for panoramic views.

