Dalvand’s House

The design I have envisioned is tailored for a skilled experimental architect and situated on a spacious property. The primary objective is to create units that are open and well-divided into private and public zones. Although this particular plan has not been realized yet, it has received considerable acclaim from Mr. Dalvand. Despite his lack of formal university education, he appreciates my strategic approach of consolidating all wet areas at the center of the plan. This design choice minimizes plumbing requirements and maximizes efficiency by utilizing a central facility duct.

By concentrating the wet areas in a centralized location, I aim to streamline the plumbing system and create a more efficient layout. This not only optimizes space utilization but also enhances the functionality and convenience of the units. The separation of private and public zones ensures a sense of privacy while maintaining an open and airy atmosphere throughout the living spaces.

While the design remains unbuilt, the positive feedback from Mr. Dalvand make me satisfied.

Project description

In this design, the unit comprises three bedrooms and a spacious common restroom and bath. To ensure accessibility and efficient use of space, these facilities are strategically located and connected through a diagonal corridor. This diagonal corridor serves as a functional element, providing convenient access to the common restroom and bath area.

The private zone is intentionally separated from the southern public hall, creating a distinct division between private and shared spaces. This design choice enhances privacy and allows for a more tranquil living environment within the unit.

To optimize the layout and accommodate the diagonal corridor, all necessary facilities are condensed into a compact wet triangle. This arrangement compensates for the space taken up by the diagonal lobby while ensuring that essential amenities are efficiently integrated.

By carefully organizing the unit’s layout and incorporating these design elements, the overall functionality and flow of the space are enhanced. This design aims to create a harmonious and practical living environment that prioritizes privacy, accessibility, and efficient use of space.

