Entries by Bijan

Variety in Unity

Many philosophers and art critics assert that unity in art refers to the harmonious relationship among all parts, governed by a single, cohesive vision that influences every detail of the work. In contrast, variety is often seen as the source of charm, vitality, and visual interest; it infuses life and prevents stagnation. However, there can […]

My Design Principles

The Separation of Servant Spaces and Habitable Areas The separation of servant spaces and habitable areas in a building or residence offers several benefits, including enhanced privacy, noise reduction, improved organization and efficiency, aesthetic considerations, hygiene and cleanliness, and flexibility and adaptability in primary living areas. Overall, the separation of servant spaces and habitable areas […]

Nanotechnology in Architecture

What Is Nanotechnology? Generally speaking, nanotechnology describes any activities at the magnitude of less than 100 nm (single drop of water spread over an area of 1 square meter would be 1/100.000.000 m thick). At this the properties of solid materials change drastically. In nanotechnology manipulation under control of the nanoscale structure and their integration […]


Soul was the most successful among all crossover styles, primarily aimed at the African-American community, which evolved from gospel, jazz, and blues. It achieved remarkable popularity in the pop markets of both the US and Europe during the mid-1970s, until its partial decline with the advent of disco. The success of soul can be attributed […]

Cubic Houses

The square emerges as an exceptionally efficient and economical use of space in a world where furniture and building materials commonly feature 90-degree angles. Rooms with non-rectangular corners can pose challenges in terms of functionality. Moreover, beyond efficiency, square houses offer greater flexibility in terms of building orientation, allowing for arrangement around both the X […]

Central Courtyard House

The courtyard house makes its first appearance ca. 6400–6000 BC (calibrated), in the Neolithic Yarmukian site at Sha’ar HaGolan, in the central Jordan Valley, on the northern bank of the Yarmouk River, giving the site a special significance in architectural history. In Ancient Roman architecture courtyard houses were built around an atrium. Courtyard houses are […]

What Is Thinking?

Biological Background The brain is a very expensive organ to maintain. Given the fact that the human brain is three times larger than it would be if humans were apes, we have to ask, Why and how did brain expansion occur in the human lineage? And what were the selection pressures that produced a cognitive […]

Architectural Extinction

Different dwelling types exhibit varying degrees of tolerance to environmental conditions, influenced by factors such as environmental changes, cultural dynamics, the availability of skilled workmanship, and economic justifications. In the realm of architecture, the term “type” encompasses both the visual representation and the organizational elements that encapsulate the essential and distinctive features shaped by a […]

How Does Evolution Work In Architecture?

Translating biological theories into architectural studies necessitates a clear understanding of the evolutionary processes at play. Often, our lack of clarity obscures what exactly is evolving. While recent anthropological focus has shifted towards human behavioral evolution, there remains a tendency to overlook the role of inorganic elements in evolution. Cultural attributes, crucial in effecting change, […]

Cave Dwelling Myth

Even today, because the narrative form is so powerful and seductive, it is hard to avoid. One of the specific characteristics of us is a love of stories, so that narrative reports of human evolution are demanded by society and even tend toward a common form. Scientists are generally aware of the influence of theory […]