Mortazavi House

As a job, offer by one of my friends, for his cousin, without any time pressure, it supposed to be a fun and casual project. Situated in the very humid region, beside the main road to the northern sea in Iran, the main objective is to create a house that not only leaves a lasting impression on young guests but also provides adequate protection against local burglary.

I have planned for the rainwater to be collected in the central roof nave and gracefully channeled towards a front pool. By designing double symetric gable roofs, I will ensure that rain water flows towards a central point, allowing for efficient drainage. This design element serves both an aesthetic and functional purpose. It adds a touch of elegance and intrigue to the overall architecture while also addressing the need for water management in a humid region. The sight of rainwater gracefully cascading into the front pool, will create a captivating visual experience for residents and visitors alike. By incorporating this feature, I aim to make the most of the natural resources available and promote sustainability in the design. It’s an innovative way to integrate water elements into the property, transforming rainwater into a striking and dynamic element of the overall design.

Project description

The main challenge lies in the narrow property, measuring 9 meters in width and 55 meters in length, stretching from east to west. This elongated shape is a result of converting agricultural land into a residential section, with the aim of maximizing its selling price. To ensure accessibility, the property features two entrances, one from the main road on the eastern side and another from the western side road.

Designing a house on such a narrow property requires careful planning and utilization of space to optimize functionality and aesthetics. The limited width necessitate innovative architectural solutions to create a comfortable and practical living environment. By considering the property’s unique characteristics and constraints, I try to develop a design that maximizes its potential and offers a remarkable living experience.

