Kelardasht House

In the design of this house, which is supposed to be built on the foundation of an old and traditional house, for a well-known family, what was most important was to pay attention to the architectural heritage of the historical and cold region of Kalardasht in northern mountainous part of Iran.

What are evident in the traditional architecture of the region are the simplicity of the buildings, the presence and protrusion of wooden beams on the roof and floors, small square windows and wide and high porches. All these key features have been considered in the design of this building.

Project description

This house is going to be built on the foundations of an old traditional house in the middle of a garden with sloping ground. The slope of the land starts from the northwest and reaches the lowest point in the southeast. In addition, the neighbors have a view of the garden from the west and north. Therefore, the smallest number of windows was installed on the north and west sides of the building, and all entrences put on the opposite sides.

Considering the importance of the terrace in the native architecture of the region, in the design of this villa, with the hope of transferring many of the family’s activities to them, two terraces were designed on both floors.



Indigenous Houses

Kalardasht summer resort is located in the west of Mazandaran and at a distance of 50 km from Chalus city. In this region, due to the distance from the sea and the presence of high mountains, a climate has emerged that is cold in most months of the year. The central plain of Klardasht, with a height of approximately 1250 to 1350 meters above sea level, is distinguished from the mountainous areas and has provided the possibility of settlement for residents since ancient times. In the architecture of the houses of Klardasht, even in the houses of the lords, not exist a trace of the glory and greatness of native knowledge, as we see in the elements of desert architecture such as wind turbines and reservoirs, and not a trace of the poetic nature of human art such as slimy and tile works. The houses are simple. Wood and dirt, sitting in wood and dirt.

The exterior of the Indigenous houses was simple. Few and small square windows, which were called holes, and the entrance, which usually had relatively wide platforms on both sides, represent the simplicity and simplicity of rural life. Installation of these small windows was done in order to save energy, in addition to maintaining security and protection from thieves and intruders. In general, due to the cold weather in most of the year, the architecture of the windows was such that by maximum use of sunlight, taking advantage of the daily temperature fluctuation, maintaining heat and preventing the cold winter wind in residential spaces.

Also, in the past, these houses were next to each other and connected to each other and had a common yard, which often brought together the households belonging to the same family and sometimes created a complex (neighborhood) that was known by the name of the same family. In the design of the interior of old houses, after entering from the main door, there was a relatively wide space called the porch. The porch was led to the inner space by corridors.

Structure & Roof

Numerous researches have shown that if the plan of a house is square, the cost of its construction can be saved by 15% and if the volume is cubic, it can save up to 25%. Therefore, from the beginning of the design, I limited the design of the house in a cube with sides of 12 meters. The reason for choosing the number 12 was that in Iran, all profiles and rebars are supplied with a length of 12 or 6 meters. In this way, the amount of material waste is minimized.

The ground floor and the first floor are concrete and the second floor has a wooden structure. The use of wood to create insulation against the cold of Kalardasht was to comply with aesthetic issues and to be faithful to the traditional architecture of Kalardasht. This wooden truss, which is filled with stone wool panels, is placed on 8 beams. The roof and walls of the highest floor will be covered with red galvanized iron sheets.


In order to minimize piping and installations, all wet spaces were designed around a central duct in order to save the cost of installations and to reduce the risk of pipes bursting in the harsh winter of Kalardasht.

A duplex kitchen is considered. The upper part is dedicated to serving food and doing simple cooking, and in the lower ground floor part of the kitchen, food storage, freezers, and more detailed cooking equipment (which is customary in the time-consuming and fragrant Iranian cooking), are installed. Access to the kitchen is also possible directly from the garage. The northwest room of the garage is also dedicated to storage of equipment, water tank, fuel tank and heating facilities.